Enrich the spiritual life of your entire congregation today!
What is the purpose of this course? To know Jesus Christ more fully. To know the grace of Christ, the love of Christ, the ways of Christ for our daily lives. That is what we want for ourselves, our family, our friends, our world around us. By carefully studying the life of Christ, it is our prayer that the Spirit of Jesus Christ may come to live in us more fully.


Online Resource
Thousands of hours have been spent researching the Internet to find the best possible visual images that capture significant moments in the life of Christ.


Easy to follow PDFs
The lesson plans are superb, with a smooth flow to each lesson: a brief presentation with PowerPoints, focused Bible study, visual aids, and discussion questions.


Customizable PowerPoints
All class presentations use PowerPoints. Both the presentations and PowerPoints can be easily modified to reflect the specific values of the instructor.

Synopsis of the Four Gospels
The American Bible Society has recently (2010) produced a new version of this “classic” resource with colored images of the four gospel writers on the cover. This “new” book is beautiful.  

Are you looking for something deeper?
One pastor, after evaluating this new course, commented: “In Bible study, it is important to go beyond the ‘same old, same old,’ or the mediocrity of ‘good enough is good enough.’" Another pastor stated: “Pastors are looking for something that takes them and their laity to another level of Biblical studies.”

40-50 thousand people from over 150 different countries visit Sermons From Seattle every month to browse the FREE, fast and adaptable sermons from the author or The Life of Christ.


“This course is by far the best and greatest Bible study I have ever attended.” — George Stein, Age 90, WW II Marine. Many members of your congregation will feel the same way at the conclusion of this spiritual journey.

What makes this course unique?
Developed by Pastor Edward F. Markquart over the past 30 years, this course involves an intense study in the life of Christ as revealed in the four gospels. During the past three decades, the course has been revised, researched and improved by Pastor Markquart and by lay people who were part of these Bible classes. The thoughts, values, and struggles of laity have been interwoven into the fabric of this course. This course offers a “gold mine” of resources: Biblical commentary, paintings, photographs, diagrams, maps, art, archeology, historical research, stories, sermons, and a newly designed textbook, SYNOPSIS OF THE FOUR GOSPELS. A uniqueness is that it has “depth.”

How long is the course?
It will vary. For many congregations, the course will take two years, 27 weeks per year, to complete from start to finish. For other congregations, it will take three years, 18 weeks per year. For still others, they will create shorter “mini-courses.”


What is provided?
There is an abundance of varied resources for the instructor. Brief lecture material is provided each week as are power points and links to the finest visuals from the Internet. There is a core Bible study of the gospel parallels. There are 2-4 discussion questions per lesson. There are daily gospel readings in preparation for the class.

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Life of Christ | The Study of the Four Gospels • Copyright Edward F. Markquart 2010

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